WisdomTree Model Portfolios:

The next investment evolution to retain and
gain clients.
Research Insights:
What Clients Really Believe about Models
Growing Your Business:
Why & How Prospects Choose Advisors
Talking with Clients:
An Advisor's Guide to Talking about Models with Clients
Go In-Depth:
Speak with a member of the Models Investment Committee or Research Team
What do clients really believe about models?
Exciting New Research from WisdomTree.
Clients have spoken. They highly value their advisors but also find comfort in benefiting from the collective expertise of an asset management firm’s analysts, strategists and PhDs.
Here’s what they’re saying:

Leveraging Expertise to Drive Growth with Model Portfolios

Brad Shepard, WisdomTree's Head of Advisor Innovation, discusses the findings from a recent research study focused on leveraging model providers’ expertise to drive growth in advisors’ practice.

How to Build a Better Business with Model Portfolios

In this webcast, Brad Shepard, WisdomTree's Head of Advisor Innovation, discusses how financial advisors could be missing out on an opportunity, and how model portfolio strategies can provide value and elevate the advisors’ client experience.
Why Models are the Next Step
in Investment Evolution
Advisors sometimes question how a client would perceive their value if they brought in a third- party model. But remember, many investment innovations, from bonds, to mutual funds to ETFs have meant bringing in outside expertise. And each one has provided advantages and additional performance potential to clients. Third-party models may provide more expertise and oversight than other investment available to individual clients.
Models can increase client trust.
We believe models ignite trust in the same way that “Intel Inside” does when buying a laptop. Concern and doubt may diminish as investors feel supported by your access to—and use of—the advanced and modern guidance in each third-party model. It is critical to communicate the advantages of third-party models to your clients, by highlighting the profound level of expertise that goes into each one. Doing so can increase client confidence in you and strengthen the value your clients place on the financial recommendations you give.
Leveraged expertise
Professor Siegel
The Next Evolution in Models:
Income for the Long Run.
WisdomTree’s Senior Investment Strategy Advisor, Dr. Jeremy Siegel, is the Russell E. Palmer Professor of Finance at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Professor Siegel has written and lectured extensively about the economy and financial markets and is a regular contributor to the financial news media. Additionally, he has been recognized by Businessweek as one of the highest-rated business school professors, and he is a bestselling author.
WisdomTree and Professor Siegel have come together to apply his tenets of investing to model portfolios your clients can directly invest in.
The Siegel-WisdomTree
Model Portfolios
Designed to outperform the most common traditional model portfolios (60% equities/40% bonds) in a risk-smart way, these models allocate more to equities than fixed income and tilt toward factors like dividend yield and low price-to-earnings ratios. As a result, they can offer:
  • Enhanced income and return potential to help maintain lifestyles
  • Increased tax-efficiency to help clients keep a greater share of their wealth
  • Lower risk and downside potential
  • A focus on longer time horizons to match longer lifespans
  • Diversification on a global scale
100% Equity
May be suited for advisors seeking to align their clients’ investments with the core principles of Professor Jeremy Siegel and WisdomTree.
100% Equity
May be suited for advisors seeking an alternative to a traditional 60/40 portfolio for balancing income needs with longevity risks.
Go In-Depth.
Connect with a member of the Models Investment Committee or Research Team.
9:00 a.m.–5:30 p.m. EST